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Parent Involvement Framework


2023-2024 Kershaw County School District 

Parent Involvement Framework 

Kershaw County School District encourages, supports, and values the participation and involvement of parents and families in the educational experiences of their children. The District recognizes all *parents as their children’s first teachers and acknowledges the powerful influence of parents on their children’s lives. The District, therefore, is committed to developing family-friendly schools, offices, and programs to welcome and serve parents and families in positive and supportive environments. 

Parents are involved in the development of the Kershaw County School District (serving as the Lead Education Agency or LEA) plan and the process of school review and improvement by being part of a planning team that develops an overall Parent Involvement Policy. This Parent Involvement Policy is distributed to all parents with children participating in Title I schools and to the community at large. An annual evaluation of parent involvement is conducted. Title I federal funding is used at high-poverty schools to improve teaching and learning. 

Parents are involved in decision- and policy-making via opportunities to serve on School Improvement Councils and Parent-Teacher Organizations as well as by completing parent surveys, previewing strategic plans at each school, and/or serving as mentors or through other volunteer efforts. Schools provide many parent activities during the year, regarding Technology, Literacy, Math/Science, STEAM, Fine Arts, Testing, Cultural Celebrations, academic seminars, and other student performance/academic presentations. Efforts to increase parental involvement also include annual conferences to accommodate varied family schedules. In addition, an annual meeting (Back to School Night) for parents/families is held to provide information on legislative updates, instructional programs, and the desired outcomes for students of Title I Targeted Assistance schools, schools receiving special assistance to meet academic standards. 

Parenting Programs serve and join together with other programs by inviting parents to attend classes, Adult Education classes, workshops, and seminars offered by the District and/or state. Additional efforts are made to work with other community programs to provide information and assistance regarding Title I Targeted Assistance programs. 

*Parent is defined as the legal parent, guardian, or caregiver of any student attending Kershaw County Schools. Pg 1 of 2

2023-2024 Kershaw County School District 

Parent Involvement Framework 

District Office staff provide technical assistance, coordination, and support to schools. To aid these schools, District Office staff are available to help write federal grants, assist in procurement, attend school improvement/renewal team meetings, and assist the schools in implementing effective parent involvement activities for all parents, including parents with limited English proficiency, and Parent-Teacher organization meetings. Additional district responsibilities include assisting in any area requested to bring about school improvement and increase parental involvement. The District assists each school in the development of a school-level Parent Involvement Policy. District Office staff also see that state and federal guidelines are followed. 

The schools and parents build the capacity for strong parental involvement by entering into School-Parent-Compacts with staff and families of students attending Title I schools. Compacts are signed by the principal, teacher, parent, and student. 

Regarding funding, the District reserves not less than one percent (1%) of the total Title I allocation to support parental involvement including family and parent literacy skills. In addition, each school reserves at least 5% of its Title I allocation for funding previously mentioned parent activities. All of our nine (9) Title I elementary schools and four (4) middle schools continually monitor the implementation of their Title I plans and welcome input from parents, school staff, and community members regarding their current and future Title I plans. 

If you would like to serve on your school’s planning team or make comments about the plan, please contact the principal at the school. 

The Kershaw County School District welcomes input and suggestions from our community and our parents concerning Title I programs and funding. We seek input from parents and community members as we work to make this a document that reflects the climate and needs of our community. 

Please forward your comments or suggestions to Mr. Dan Matthews, Chief Academic Of icer, Kershaw County School District, 2029 West DeKalb Street, Camden, SC, 29020; fax to (803) 425-8918; email him at or drop your suggestions by the district of ice to Mr. Matthews’s attention.