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PBIS School-wide behavior program

What is PBIS?

PBIS stands for  Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports.  It is a school-wide proactive  approach to   discipline, with an emphasis on being positive.  We have developed a set of   expectations and behaviors for our     students in every area of the campus.  Students are taught the expectations, as well as what these expectations look like in each area of the school.  We will encourage expected behaviors in a  variety of ways, including ClassDojo points, PBIS Celebrations, “SOAR Treasure Store”, “Wall of Fame” and other positive    incentives. Behaviors will be re-taught as needed to ensure that students will know how to succeed.Incentives

Dojo Points are earned and recorded through ClassDojo, an electronic classroom communication app.  Student behavior is tracked with this app and it is a great communication tool between teachers and parents.

Students are given the opportunity to spend or save their points each week in their classroom “SOAR Store.” Points that are saved will be applied to upcoming PBIS celebrations. These celebrations take place approx. every quarter and offer a variety of FUN activities.

Please Note: 

Children cannot earn the PBIS Celebration if they get 2 or more BUS REFERRALS, 1 OFFICE REFERRAL OR have 8 or more discipline points during that celebration earning period. (See“Point System”)

Point System

chart showing the point system for PBIS

All classrooms at Wateree use a color/point behavior system.  ClassDojo will also be utilized. Each day, behavior colors and Dojo points will be noted in your child’s Dojo story.  When students display inappropriate   behavior, you will be notified in Dojo. 

Dojo will reflect both appropriate and needs improvement behaviors. Parents should sign up online to see their child’s  behavior daily.




More Info

PBIS is set up to allow all students to be successful wherever they go!  This includes transitions from class to class, cafeteria, playground, hallways, bathrooms,    related arts, bus/daycare and car rider areas.  

Some students need more specialized  attention.  These high risk students are considered our      yellow and red zone students.  They will be brought before our RTI (Response To Intervention) committee (which includes the school guidance   counselor, teacher, an administrator, school psychologist  and    parents) to develop a   Behavior Intervention Plan that is geared towards re-teaching appropriate behavior, problem-solving  strategies and communication skills.   

How Can I Help?

· Sign up for Class Dojo and check it regularly.

· Follow us on Facebook for school news.

· Talk with your student about our monthly Life Skills.

· Most importantly, ask your children about their day.  Let them know their behavior is  important to you.  Less discipline issues allow for more learning!

· Volunteers are typically needed during the celebrations.  Are you a level 1 or 2 volunteer?  Please see district website for more info.

· Communication: Please communicate regularly with your child’s teacher over any concerns.

Cardinals SOAR Acronym- Safe Organized Accountable Respectful